Pranayama, Bandha, Mudra: The Power of the Breath
A Weekend Immersion for Yoga Teachers and Interested Students
January 9-10, 2021
This weekend immersion open to the public. Part of the Yoga of Energy Flow 200-Hour Teacher Training it will be presented virtually and is a chance for yoga teachers and interested students to explore the power of the breath, with a balance between experiential practice and analysis of the role of respiration in the health of the body, mind, and spirit.
11 am – 5 pm on both Saturday and Sunday; lunch break from 1:30-2:30 pm. Cost: $165
Awaken the inner body of light, the pranamayakosha, and expand your life force with breathing exercises and inner energy practices drawn from classical and Kundalini Yoga. We will learn how to enhance, extend, and harness the power of the breath with pranayama (breathing) exercises, and then channel the heightened pranic energy using bandhas (inner locks) and mudras (ways to enhance mental focus which can include hand gestures). If your yoga so far has been mostly about stretching, this workshop will deepen your relationship with the “radiant body” which is connected with your breath. The “power of the breath” will help your life as nothing else. Beginners and advanced students alike will receive helpful tips for an effective home practice. Handouts and other resources will be provided, grounding the experience in practical application.
We will explore:
• The anatomy of respiration, physically, energetically, and spiritually.
• The major classical pranayama exercises; breaths that heat, balance, cool, and illuminate.
• The role and effects of internal and external breath retentions (Kumbakas)
• How to free the breath with stretches for the the lung and large intestine meridians
• Kundalini Yoga Kriyas, which combine a strong pranayama practice with movements,
asanas, deep relaxation and chanting meditations
• Chanting meditation in the tradition of Kundalini Yoga
• Celestial Communication, where mantras are combined with movements and mudras in a seated creative dance, bringing relaxation to the entire nervous system.
You will learn these powerful breath practices and meditations and more:
• Circle of Fire, a pranayama sequence that improves the flow of energy in the lower chakras, improves digestive fire, and brings light to ones being.
• Sodarshan Chakra Kriya, believed by some to be the most powerful pranayama practice and highest kriya across the many schools and styles of yoga.
• Sat Kriya, one of the most powerful and complete postures/kriyas in Kundalini Yoga. It has been called an “entire Yoga class in one posture”.
For yoga teachers, this immersion is available for CEUs, and will provide new materials and insights that can be brought into yoga classes.